Back When It Seemed Somewhat Relevant...
I did this...

Your Pal,
Private Joker:
How can you shoot women and children?Door Gunner:
Easy... you don't lead 'em so much.[laughs]
Door Gunner:
Ain't war hell?"
Full Metal Jacket" (1987)
The Best Statement I've Heard in a Long Time...
Everybody's children are so special. It makes you wonder where all the ordinary grown-ups come from.Maria, "
Code 46" (2003).
Quote for a Sunday Night...
Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.Westley, "
The Princess Bride" (1987).
Finally Friday...
I don't hate people. I just like it a lot better when they're not around.Henry, "
Barfly" (1987)